Belief Coffee Roasters - Hapjeong Cafe

No matter what job title I might have, I know better now -
that what I truly want to be is kind, wise, and happy.

When I was little, I wanted to be everything. A Broadway performer, a singer, a gymnast, an astronaut, a novelist... And some of those dreams are still on my list but I see now, no matter what job title I might have, I know better; that what I truly want to be is kind, wise, and happy.

내가 어렸을때 다 하고싶었어요. 브로드웨이 연기자, 가수, 체조선수, 우주비행사, 소설가가 다 되고 싶었어요... 아직도 그런 꿈을 가지고 있지만 (책을 쓸거야! 약속 📖!) 이제 와서 좀 알게 된 것 같아요~ 내가 무슨 일을 하겠다더라도 나는 마음이 따뜻하고 지혜롭고, 기쁜 사람이 되고 싶어요

I distinctly remember sitting in this cafe, just my friend I occupying the whole place one morning, and telling her that I wanted to write a book.

“Yes!” She said, in her unique blend of Australian, Korean and Indian accent (it’s hard to explain and is a result of her global upbringing) “You definitely can write a book.”

Belief is a wonderful thing. Especially when you’re not alone in believing in yourself.

The funny thing is, Tey and I were actually politely kicked out of the cafe for taking too many photos.

“If you want to take photos here you must make a rental request.”

You’ve got to be careful with cafes in Korea - some of them love it when you’re trigger happy with your phones but the moment you bring out a legitimate camera, they’re extremely wary.

Either way, we escaped with some fond memories and photos that I like to look at now and then. They remind me of my resolve then - I’m going to become the person I want to be!


Ban Bossy Boutique - One Rainy Night in Hongdae


Lights Come in All Shapes and Sizes - C27 Cafe in Hongdae