Why Do Koreans Love Sad Ballads in Autumn (and Here's 5 You Must Hear)

Every year, autumn reveals itself with a burst of changing leaves and a wave of unstoppable melancholy.

There’s the phrase “가을을 탄다” which is a little peculiar in direct translation - “to ride/get on autumn.”

What it means, however, is to get sentimental in the fall. Do you get blue when autumn comes around?

In Korea, we love to collectively heave sighs of nostalgia when it begins to get colder. 쌀쌀한 날씨, 쓸쓸한 마음. Chilly weather, lonesome heart. It’s disgustingly romantic and we relish in it.

I am guilty of it, too.

Korea has always had four distinct seasons and we associate strongly with each. My theory is that autumn awakens the sadness that runs deeply in the country’s psyche, reviving the nostalgia of times not so long past, yet now irretrievably gone. The Korea of today is not so old; there are still many who remember Korea as she once was and miss her.

and if you 가을을 탄다면, then here are five classic Korean ballads to let you feel those delicious autumn blues. No shame here. Bet you anything your mom knows at least one of these. And bet you’ll add something to your karaoke song list.

No one does sad ballads like the Koreans.

“가을을 나그네” by 소리새


“내 마음 갈 곳을 잃어” by 최백호


“이별 노래” by 이동원


허무만 마음” by 정원


And the immortal classic, “가을이 오면” by 이문세


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