I am the First Daughter of the First Daughter

Korean & Amazigh (Moroccan Berber)

Firyal / 휘연

mixed Korean and Amazigh model

“My grandmother was married to another man, but he wasn't good to her.

Back then, it wasn't easy to divorce, but my grandmother was a very strong woman. This is Moroccan Berber style. But her ex-husband was a very powerful man and the chief of the village. He took her children away so that she could not see them. But my grandmother was a very strong woman. To see her daughter, she had to go to the forest at night to see her. This is how she suffered. But then she married another man. He was married to 14 women. But my grandmother was the last wife, because she finally could give him a daughter.

This first daughter was my mother.

And I am the first daughter of the first daughter.”

Hwiyeon appeared on our youtube channel here
telling her story as a mixed Korean-Amazigh from Morocco.


I Used to Pray to Become One Ethnicity


Lost Connections - 1958