Reconnecting with an Unfamiliar Culture
Indian and Korean
Hannah joined us on the podcast to talk about being Korean and Indian. You can listen here
Photo and words provided by Hannah
“For me, going to India and to Korea only made [my American culture] more obvious to me, in my mentality and the way that I think. I think coming back to the US after these long term stays in these two countries… I feel more connected, feel more like I understand myself and my place in the world. Just feeling like that part of my identity has been given time and attention. It's really important for your community to see you.
When [your culture] is hidden, because of the way you look or your name or if you don't speak a certain language, it's important to tell your community who you are and be proud of that part of your culture. Because you want them to see you the way that you see yourself.”
Photo by Becky, when we met in Seoul for the podcast recording. I miss Hannah and her great smile! Hope we can meet again soon.