9 Fiction Books to Read in September (Korean & English)

Korean girl in Starfield Library, seoul

벌써 9월이 되었구나…

I could have sworn August just began.
But here we are anyway. Despite my urgent pleads for time to slow down,
it is September already.

September is such a beautiful time of year.
It’s when we slowly start to say farewell to the lush, golden afternoon of summer
and anticipate the crisp, darkening evenings of autumn. Blink and it’ll be gone.

In Korean, we say September as 구월 (gu-weol)” literally saying “9 Month.”

So in the spirit of that, here are nine of my favorite fiction reads for September.



The Homeward Bounders
by Diana Wynne Jones

“You wouldn’t believe how lonely you get.”

For the fantasy and sci-lover,
Diana Wynne Jones hardly goes wrong.
This book was one I’ve read multiple times. Being a military kid growing up, I know how it feels to be uprooted over and over again. Then coming back to your “home” just to see that everything has changed even if you feel the same. You can never go back to where you left.

My sister has always said this book felt like a metaphor for the life of military kids.

Get the book here



Norweigan Wood
by Murakami Haruki

“It's because of you when I'm in bed in the morning that I can wind my spring and tell myself I have to live another good day.”

I read this book when I was working as a radio host for a Korean radio station where we talked about novels. Murakami is a popular author in Korea.

A nostalgic story of love. If that doesn’t scream September, I don’t know what does.

Get the book here



7년의 밤 (Seven Years of Darkness)

by 정유정

“안개를 뚫고 지나가면 오랜 세월 잊고 있었던 냄새를 맡았다. 짠냄새. 바다냄새. 냄새는 기억의 방아쇠를 당겨 따 달빛을 받아 핏빛으로 일렁이는 수수벌판. 수숫대 위로 불어오는 바닷바람 벌판 끝 바위 산 너머에서 희끗거리는 등대 불빛 아버지의 구두 와 랜턴을 지고 걸어가는 소년.”

I still remember reading this line and shivering a little. This is a great book for our readers who want to challenge themselves in Korean and be immersed in a novel of masterful, and sometimes very dark, descriptive writing.

Get the book here



The Midnight Library
by Matt Haig

“It is quite a revelation to discover that the place you wanted to escape to is the exact same place you escaped from. That the prison wasn't the place, but the perspective.”

This little novel was trendy a bit ago but don’t let that put you off it. I read it all at once one September night and went to sleep thinking I could really make something of my life.

Get the book here



The Thursday Murder Club
by Richard Osman

“It’s great to be the fastest runner, but not when you’re running in the wrong direction.”

How about something a little lighter?

When I’m on the fourteen hour long flights from Seoul to NYC, I always have a collection of books to read - I especially like reading a whole series during the flight, and especially like it if the books are funny. If you like The Thursday Murder Club, there’s three more books after it.

Get the books here



달러구트 꿈 백화점

by 이미예

Where do our dreams come from?
Here at the 달러구트 꿈 백화점 you can purchase the dream you like!

If you’re seeking a Korean novel (that is muuuuuch lighter than 7년의 밤) here’s a 인상 깊은 little book that I can recommend.

I’ve had it by my bedside table to read now and then.

Get the book here



by Daphne Du Maurier

“When the leaves rustle, they sound very much like the stealthy movement of a woman in evening dress, and when they shiver suddenly, and fall, and scatter away along the ground, they might be the patter of a woman’s hurrying footsteps, and the mark in the gravel the imprint of a high-heeled shoe.”

I saw this book in the library when I was living on the military base around age 12. A perfect tale of suspense and dread for a lonely September evening.

Get the book here



The Secret History
by Donna Tartt

“After all, the appeal to stop being yourself, even for a little while, is very great.”

A novel I consumed while staying in Busan for a few days. It’s not so much a whodunnit, but a why-dunnit.

It has beautiful prose, a strange story and will leave you either hating it forever or breathless over it. Probably both.

Get the book here



The Haunting of Hill House
by Shirley Jackson

“Fear and guilt are sisters.”

Is it too early for the more frightening tales? We’ll sink into it slowly with Shirley Jackson’s masterful novel that gradually takes you to the depths of fear.

Get the book here

I am an avid reader and have always been. I can thank my aunt for introducing me to many amazing books growing up, and thanks to my parents who always encouraged me to read. I hope you’ll find my book recommendations interesting and kick off a September full of books!

Follow my Goodreads for more books I’ve read and am reading.


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