Two Wholes of Us

South African-Korean and American family in South Korea


You look at the energy of an individual and how you feel.
How do you feel in front of that person? That’s it. Just a person. Just a human.
So when we look at our kids and they’re half, well for me, that’s two wholes.
Sometimes I see myself. Sometimes I see my wife. It’s the third part which is themselves.


Right, they are so themselves.
A lot of people are like, “Oh wow, Neptune looks a lot like you” or "Anika looks a lot like daddy”
and I’m like, well, actually, Neptune looks like Neptune and Anika looks like Anika.
We made them so they have traces of us. But they’re their own individual people.
The minute they were born, and while in my belly, we acknowledged that.

half korean half white girl


Do the parents accept the fact that they have a mixed kid?
That is the first thing. Are they able to accept that or are they being criticized from the side?
We personally deflect so much criticism, because we’re not listening,
we just don’t care [about the criticism.]


Whatever somebody may say, at the end of the day that is my child and nobody else’s.
You’re not responsible for them like we are.
Sure, you can say whatever you want to say and I’ll hear it,
but we’ll just do our own thing at the end of the day.
Stand strong, be proud of your beautiful children that you’ve created.
It doesn’t matter whatever is happening around them.
We are strong within ourselves and know who we are.

Sunya and Loren are our two creative friends and parents of two children, Anika and Neptune. Sunya, who is ethnically Korean, was born in Botswana, raised in South Africa and now lives in Korea with her husband Loren, who is from the United States.

We’ve always admired their open and creative energy and were honored to have them interview for our channel. Watch their video here.


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