You’re Not Korean and You Shouldn’t Say You Are

Korean and German

Photo by Becky, featuring Stella

“I wanted to write you because I had the most interesting discussion with my great aunt today - I told her about your project and how I think it’s a good thing that you are starting the discussion about halfies because for me sometimes it is difficult being half half.

She said the most astonishing thing; that she never saw me as 혼혈, that it was the first time she thought about it because I am German. And then I said that I struggle sometimes when people ask where I’m from, my great aunt was quite offended. She was like “you’re not korean and you shouldn’t say that you are.”

I don’t think she meant it in a mean way or anything because she went on to say my heart and mind are German, and that because my father is German I should just say I am German because it is an easier life to live. She said that I live in Germany and my life is there and korea is just “a hobby."

I felt slightly offended - are all my efforts to fit in, to come here, to learn Korean wasted? Because not even my own family considers me Korean at all? Not even half? A difficult conversation to have albeit slightly depressing."


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